Illustratios for the article: “¿Hay alguien ahí? Una mirada al interior de las cuevas”

Pantera #12 is focus on the world of the mountains: volcanoes, caves, fossils, dunes, mountain safety and collecting....
In this issue I have participated illustrating the wonderful article with text of Begoña Bueno: “Is anyone there? A look inside the caves“
Caves can fascinate and frighten us. And sometimes both at the same time! They are dark and damp places, but they are also shelter and refuge. They hold so many secrets that there is a branch of science dedicated exclusively to them: speleology.

PANTERA #12          
The Mountain World. February 2024

Savanna Books Editorial

Language: Spanish and Catalan

ISSN: 2695-3919

© dianahdez 2024
Madrid-Santiago, Spain